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5 Steps to Find the Right Keywords for Your Niche

5 Steps to Find the Right Keywords for Your Niche
To improve your SEO or drive valuable leads to your business, you should optimize your site and Pay-Per-Click campaigns for niche keywords.

Niche keywords are specific long-tail keywords/phrases that focus on a particular area or industry. They tend to have a lower search volume, because they are specific, but they generate more qualified traffic to your website. In the early days of the internet, to rank well in search results, all you had to do was to stuff some keywords on a page and your site would likely rank for them. Today, things are different and it has become increasingly difficult to dominate search engine results for any keyword. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible, but it means you have to be smarter than your competition. An SEO Company in New York can help you incorporate the right niche keywords on your site to stay ahead of your competitors.

Niche keywords are relevant leads to your company and that’s why they are more important than broad, popular key terms that have tons of search volume. For instance, if someone searches for “chemical-free products,” it is difficult to understand the searcher’s intent, which means it is difficult to see if they are looking for chemical free products for skin or for cleaning purposes or something else. With generic short-tail keywords, it is not easy to understand search intent. However, niche keywords have clear search intent. If someone searches for “chemical-free products for skin”, you know the searcher is looking for skin products that contain no chemicals. When you target and rank for those keywords, your target audience can find your business. 

As niche keywords have less competition and more relevant leads than short-tail keywords, they are easier to rank, making them more valuable. Following these steps can help you find the best niche keywords for your business:

Study your niche: Before you start studying the right keywords to optimize your page, start learning more about your topic or niche. Learning in depth about your topic will help you get out-of-the-box ideas and discover angles to your marketing and SEO strategy that you might have never thought about before. To study your niche: 

o    Talk to your existing customers and try to know them better; find out the terms they use when describing your brand, company, product or service.

o    Think from your potential customer’s perspective, like, if you were to share the brand’s offering with a friend, how will you talk about it.

o    Get involved in your niche’s online communities like social media networks and forums. Go through the discussions and determine any pain points mentioned regarding your niche.

When you study your niche properly, you will be able to find the best niche keywords for your business. 

Create a list of relevant topics: Based on your brand’s main category and the goals you want to achieve, break it down to smaller topic buckets. Create a list of topics related to your brand that you want to rank on Google. For instance if you are a Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brand (the products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low-cost) specializing in products for men’s personal care, you can use topics related to your brand like men’s facial wash, male pattern baldness, and antiperspirant deodorant. The topics must be important to your business and related to your buyer personas. Think about what kind of topics your targeted customers will use to find your products on Google. These topic buckets can later be broken down into keywords that are related to those topics.

Conduct keyword research to find niche keywords: There is nothing wrong if you start finding your keywords using a keyword tool; but there is an obvious advantage to researching search terms from your business or brand perspective first and foremost. It will help you gain a wider perspective for your content and SEO strategy. When you have identified your goals, topics, and keywords, you can begin using keyword research tools to discover relevant terms for your business. Niche keyword research helps you generate a list of useful phrases for your website and paid ad campaigns. You can depend on niche keyword tools like KeywordsFX or Keyword Tool. Compare your options and choose the tool you like the most. After selecting the tool, start searching for the keywords. You can use short-tail keywords to find long-tail niche keywords. Here is an instance showing the results when searching for “organic cleaners”.

Image source: https://www.webfx.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/organic-cleaners-1024x629.png

This example shows niche keywords like “organic drain cleaners” and “organic oven cleaners”. If you provide these products, you can use these niche keywords to target and reach the audience looking for it. After getting a keyword list, focus on the ones that you think is relevant to your business and have the potential to drive leads and traffic. 

Examine your keyword list and determine how competitive your niche is: You have a list of keywords now that you think is relevant. To know how they perform, use a tool like Ubersuggest and start searching a keyword’s monthly search volume. You are going to see a lower keyword volume with niche keywords, but it is still important to see how these long-tail keywords measure up against one another. You can also find the keyword difficulty (SEO difficulty, or competition) of the keyword, which means how difficult it will be for the particular keyword to rank. So, this tool helps you find whether it is easy or challenging for a specific keyword to rank. If you are looking to use a niche keyword for a PPC campaign, you have to focus to the cost-per-click (CPC) section. This will show the average amount that companies pay when someone clicks their ad for that keyword. With this information, you can identify the keywords suitable for your campaign and achieve your goals.

Monitor and change your niche keyword as required: Remember your keywords list should be as specific to you, your site, and your business as possible. They are only valuable as they are relevant to you. Integrate the right keywords for your pages, monitor their performance for a few months, and see whether if they are driving valuable results for your business. In the beginning, the keywords may not rank well, but things may improve over time. If you don’t see any improvement in ranking, then you need to integrate more SEO strategies like link building, optimizing page content, etc. to rank better. In the case of PPC, instead of wasting time and resources, to rank better, go back to your initial keyword research, and find a different keyword for the page. To find the best niche keywords for your business, consistently monitor your keyword performance.

The above methods can help you find the right niche keywords, but you should also monitor your keyword performance to find whether your page ranks well and reaches your target audience. Hiring New York SEO services can help. SEO experts will help you find the right niche keywords and implement the right strategies to help you rank for them.
5 Steps to Find the Right Keywords for Your Niche

5 Steps to Find the Right Keywords for Your Niche


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