Pedro Silveira's profile

Barcelona Pirineos Winter Olympics 2022 candidature

This project is the joint-candidature of Barcelona and Pirineos to the Winter Olympics of 2022. Our objective was to 'sell' the idea to the locals in our 1st and 2nd phase, and internationally on our 3rd phase.

Our way of doing that was to inform people that only 100km apart we have a mediterranean weather (Barcelona) and a Mountain weather (Pirineos), making it a one-and-only location to enjoy both experiences at virtually the same place. (In the last Winter Olympics in Canada, the Olympic Villa and the snow slopes were almost 200km apart).

So with that in mind, we developed a campaign making it obvious for everyone to realise how close both worlds were, that even the locals don't know about. For that we made a 'mirrored' campaign with activites/sights similar in both places, with the obvious differences because of the surface, as you'll see on the posters
PHASE 1 (Online and Street Teasers)
Facebook's teaser page
Teaser site (with a promotion where people voted on their favorite place and would win a ticket with activities to the exact opposite so they could get to know what they were missing out)
Twitter Teaser Channel
PHASE 2Ā (Brand revealing and Online/Offline campaign) + EVENT
iPhone App (with weather in each place and possible activities)
Instagram Channel
Head Poster for the Campaign
Subway inserts (making use of Barcelona's huge subway corridors)
EVENT (Double Marathon in Barcelona and Pirineos)
Journal inserts
Magazine inserts
'Give-aways' to again show how close the two places are.
Signs of Barcelona typical venues in Pirineos andĀ 
Snow slopes signs in Barcelona.
Official Site
EVENT 2 - Ice on Barcelona and sand on Pirineos.
So we could agressively communicate how close virtually the two places really are.
PHASE 3Ā (International campaign with Guerrilla Promos at the airport and international Press)
Tickets to Barcelona with a special insert
A youtube series where we would find a person in each continent that hadn't seen snow or beach and take them to Barcelona Pirineos and broadcast it via online.
Airline Press
International Press
Making use of ceilings on the industrial port (seen when arriving at Barcelona)
Barcelona Pirineos Winter Olympics 2022 candidature

Barcelona Pirineos Winter Olympics 2022 candidature

Barcelona and Pirineos joint candidature for the 2022 Winter Olympics promotion.
