State of Intent
I explored and experimented with typography to create an interesting type and the book cover. The challenge was redesigning the book cover, “The Great Gatsby” by using only typography to express the mood, concept, and theme of it.  These letters are structured by coins which relates to the main character Gatsby, who got wealth and honor. The coin is sinking in the water that implies Gatsby’s death and the American Dream is not permnant. 


Mood boards
These are the four themes that I had in the early iterations; romantic, loneliness, fast, and richness.
Using the current US coins to create the typography. 
The typeface of title is refer to Codec Warm Trial that are structured parallel and perpendicularly to the baseline. It has a geometric shape and it makes the typeface a more constructed look which reflects to Art Deco style when the book was published. Aligning the “Gatsby” diagonally is showing that the Gatsby is losing wealth and honor while the story goes on.

フォントはベースラインに垂直で並行に構成されているCodec Warm Trialを参考にして作成。小銭が幾何学模様を作り出し、グレイト・ギャッツビーが出版された1920年代に流行したアート・デコスタイルをなぞっている。Gatsbyの文字を右斜めにすることでギャッツビーが富と名誉を物語が進むにしたがって失っていくことを表している。
The Great Gatsby


The Great Gatsby


Creative Fields