String X's profile

秦王宫(Palace of First Emperor )

Hello everyone,
this project is made fot my Bachelor graduation work, it is also the first big project of all my works. I costed months to complete it, the whole process includes the the path from concepts to final render.

My work is about “Finding”

The concept scene I designed was inspired by the story of the first emperor in Chinese history. The emperor united China for the first time and created the largest mausoleum in ancient China then buried a large number of soldier sculptures in the mausoleum. Which is the army that he created for his tomb.

And my story is about, in the distant future,
a robot girl, in order to explore the relics of human civilization. So, she walked into this forest and discovered this kind of palace. At the same time, she found
a handful of ancient remains. A sword that came down, the appearance of the sword is well-preserved, and on the stone next to it is an ancient chess board and
chess game. It seems that this relic still has life. The robot girl saw all this, where they
met accidentally, and was full of a unique romance.


这是我的第一个完整的作品,也是我的毕业作品,几个月的辗转反侧,思来想去,决定做一个秦兵马俑的场景,在加上秦始皇的宫殿,对于我们中华文明中的先者大贤,充满敬意,作品的中的剑是仿照的越王勾践剑样子加了一些个人的玄幻设计,不过剑身的纹理是照搬的勾践剑的纹理,自己也是磕磕绊绊用着substance painter把这些纹理在ps中画好了再好不容易画到模型上去。突发奇想把象棋换成了具体可见的车,兵,马,炮。


Thanks for watching
秦王宫(Palace of First Emperor )

秦王宫(Palace of First Emperor )
