Derek Hulme's profile

Emotional Journeys

Emotional Journeys (moving through grief) 

A decade and a half ago was a difficult time for me. I lost two daughters in swift succession. I was overwhelmed with grief. Slowly, through painting and writing poetry, I came to understand the nature of my grief and to find a way to live alongside it. This is a collection of a subset of those images which I think hang together under the title of 'Emotional Journeys'. 
Abstract: Emotional Journey I
These were created with acrylic paint and a palette knife. During this period I got through a lot of black paint! 
Detail. At the start of this painting the back paint dominated and the journey through the 'dark underworld' of the abstract painting was a reflection of my mood. However, towards the end of the painting if found some hope and painted in the light coloured rectangle- an exit? 
Abstract: Emotional Journey II 
With this painting I took further the idea of scraping through a layer of black paint to reveal the base layer. I must say scraping away the dark layer and finding the bright colour was a catharsis and healing experience. 
Detail - There appears something rich and organic about the way the paint smears down the right hand side of the picture.  
Detail- When the image on the left emerged from the scraping back of the black, I was pleased because I thought it reminiscent of water pools in an underground cave. Wading through cold water in the dark was a good metaphor for my emotions at the time. The image on the right looks like it is falling off the edge- this was true of my life. 
Abstract: Emotional Journeys III
Looking back I can see some of the emotions I was experiencing scratched into the paint. 
Detail- It is almost as if the paint is scratching back with sharp claws. My emotions were very raw during this time. 
Abstract: Emotional Journeys IV
Looking back on this image, I wonder if I wasn't trying to contain the emotions - box them in until I could deal with them. 

Detail Although the first impression is dark, this painting has more colour than the first photograph might suggest. 
Abstract: Emotional Journey V
Although I initially envisioned the feeling of grief as dark and black, I came to see them as also cold and empty. This painting came from those cold feelings. 
Detail- There is a lot of accidental images that seem to suggest there is life beneath this frosty crust. 
Emotional Journeys

Emotional Journeys
