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A Tasty Magic With A Beigy Giggle

Synesthesia  is  a  condition  in  which  stimulation  of  one  sense  leads  to  an unusual  involuntary and  automatic  experience  involving  another  sense (one type of synesthesia for example means that some synesthetes can think of a word like 'telephone' and taste something totally unrelated like 'chicken'). 28 people between ages 14-77 from around the world were asked to describe their synesthesia experiences. Each experience was taken and visualisations of them have been made into a book; A Tasty Magic with a Beigy Giggle. The book  aims  to  visualise, advertise and help people understand what participants from the study  experience with this condition. Below are some visualisations taken from the book.
The book comes inside this bright orange box along with some products that create a physical example of Synesthesia. For example colouring pencils where each colour is labelled with a sound (typical of sound to colour synesthesia), or a calendar of colours (colour grapheme synesthesia).
There is also a website and app design to take the idea online. The site and app allow the user to enter an emotion, object, sound, number or letter and it will then convert what has been entered into an example of a synethete's reaction. 
A Tasty Magic With A Beigy Giggle

A Tasty Magic With A Beigy Giggle

28 people between ages 14-77 from around the world were asked to describe their synesthesia experiences. Each experience was taken and visualisat Read More
