Colleen Crocker's profile

GDMA Student Census

Too often, information is presented to us in boring and mundane ways: lists, statistics, numbers... HUGE blocks of text.  If only there was a way to make facts and figures seem more interesting. 

Cue...The Infographic Poster.  

Infographics are beautiful things.  

In order to create such a poster, first I needed some hearty information I could really sink my teeth into. So, I began collecting data from my classmates and peers.  

I go to school with 80 Graphic Design for Marketing students.  We come from a variety of different backgrounds, countries, living situations and mindsets.  We spend a lot of time in our individual 20 student cohorts, and rarely have the chance to get to know others in years below or years above us.  However, there are many common threads that make us alike.  For instance, we might not all have the same taste in music.... but just about all of us suffer from sleep deprivation during the school year.  We might not all speak a second language but we all spend way too much time procrastinating on facebook.     

My goal with this infographic poster was to visually document those commonalities and differences in a  way that would help us realize that most of the time, we're more alike than we are different.  

GDMA Student Census

GDMA Student Census

an infographic poster that breaks the ice
