This morning...I bring you a very big and heartfelt THANK YOU!
Because, two years ago to the day, Agnieszka and I landed here in Poznan with nothing more than suitcases, excitement and anticipation for the beginnings of a new life. For the first year we lived in Swarzedz and the image below was one of the first that really changed my entire perception of what would be an incredible adventure (and has since gone on to be one of my most popular photos...). The landscapes were the first thing that really attracted me to the beauty of Poland and this was my first "real" autumn experience....all of the colors still blow me away!

Next, it was the beauty of the city of Poznan that really began to shift how I saw the world. The light here is truly incredible and as I walked the various streets I began to see and feel how it was shifting my perception, changing how I approached my work and ultimately how I could and would capture it. With every corner that I take, a new aspect of this beautiful city and country unfolds and I hope I have done it justice.

And lastly, but most importantly, it is the people here in Poland and Poznan...and Europe really, who have welcomed me, extended kindness and patience, befriended me, and made my journey here one of the best things that has ever happened in my life (the best being, having met and fallen in love with Agnieszka, without her I wouldn't be here). And of course thank you to all who have liked, commented, shared, sent emails, supported and appreciated my work keep me inspired, each and every one of you every day. Kudos.

A huge, honest, heartfelt thank you to all of you. Poland, you are truly beautiful. I hope you have enjoyed the ride so far....I know I have.



A walk in the park during an intensely colorful autumn day in Poland.
