Theme: Inking + Journaling
Day 1: Fish
In the Ocean of Pain, Swim fishes of Hope.
Day 2: Wisp
My thoughts made me feel,
Like a mere wisp of smoke,
And that I'd disappear in thin air,
With a slightest stroke.

But my heart ensured to make me
Feel like a Phoenix of fire,
And that I can revive from ashes,
And always rise higher!
Day 3: Bulky
The only thing I’d love to be bulky, Is my bag of STATIONERY!
Day 4: Radio
"Make me your radio,
Turn me up when you feel low,
This melody was meant for you
To sing along, to my stereo.

-Stereo Hearts
(Gym Class Heros)
Day 5: Blade
So, Yes. I have this thing of collecting all the used and broken blades;
as pieces of souvenir that bind my journey in paper cut-work.
And I understand that might sound weird, but it feels like a tribute to all my blades who sacrificed themselves 
to give me beautiful pieces of art.
And I am a proud collector of these
• 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖 •
Day 6: Rodent
“Not much goes on in the mind of a squirrel.
Huge portions of what is loosely termed "the squirrel brain" are given over to one thought: food. 
The average squirrel cogitation goes something like this: I wonder what there is to eat.”
― Kate DiCamillo, Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures

Yes, it is what it is. I’m Stella. Stella’s me.
Day 7: Fancy
All I fancy right now;

A world where people can finally meet in real life but on screen;
where we can hug away our sadnesses
and laugh away all the weird narratives of life.
A world where we can feel the magic of festivals and 
sing our hearts a harmony of love.
A world where you can finally go back to the mountains and the seas;
where you can travel to set yourself free from this boring quarantine.
A world where we can have large friends or family gatherings 
at dinner tables, where we shared stories and our body language 
said a lot more that what we did.
A world where you can go out on fancy dates with your partners
or your friends; and talk for hours about the lonely nights.
A world where we can roam around freely on the streets and 
hog on street foods to our heart's content.
A world that we took so granted before corona happened;
but I'd fancy a world better like that. :')
Day 8: Teeth
Aren’t we all; just functioning on the gears of internet, 
with it’s teeth grinding against the real world.
Day 9: Throw
Unless you throw yourself in cold water;
You’ll never know how to swim.
Day 10: Hope
It is HOPE, that is keeping us all alive in this depressing world.
And ofcourse, dil hai chota sa, choti si aasha.
Day 11: Disgusting
• 1 in 3 women and girls experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, most frequently by an intimate partner.
• 1 in 2 women killed worldwide were killed by their partners or family in 2017.

Yes, these are real facts and I can keep listing them and end up with a book.
These do give this feeling of disgust, right? YES THEY DO. And they should.
And that’s also why it’s high time that we do something about it.

And while it is focused on women, I’d like to add that

Let’s fight harder against them.

Ft. “Disgust” from Inside Out
Day 12: Slippery
Time: Slipping into finite.
The harder you try to hold, the more it slips;
Loosen the grip, and it’d anyways be slipping away.
Day 13: Dune
Let the time slip through your fingers
Like grains of sand;
Only to build beautiful dunes, 
of beautiful memories.
Day 14: Armor
“Be your own knight in shining armor”

Yes, Cliché.
But I’d still like you to read it again.

Fight stereotypes, Fight Gender Bias.
Fight patriarchy, Fight Crimes.
Fight anxiety, Fight diseases.
Fight for yourself.

So, suit up; and save yourself.
Day 15 & 16: Outpost & Rocket
"Take me to the land of imagination.”
And if Mars really is the most attractive outpost colony and tugs human imagination like no other planet,
as said by Buzz Aldrin and John Noble;
I don’t know how many of you fascinate the shimmering red star in the clear night sky; which is Mars, yes. Oh how pretty.
Day 17: Storm
Yes, you will eventually walk out of your storm. 
And when you do, make sure to embrace the sunshine!
Day 18: Trap
We’re all, but trapped in the bars of unlimited scrolls.
Isn’t Social Media a TRAP?
Day 19: Dizzy
Dizzy lines in a dizzy head with a dizzy life~
Day 20: Coral

Recent studies suggest the planet has lost approximately half of its coral reefs in the last 30 years, 
and could lose more than 90% by the year 2050 if drastic changes are not made.
Day 21: Sleep
When Inktober prompt says “Sleep”
All I can say is that I can’t get enough.
Day 22: Chef
Be the chef of your own life. 
Add sugar, add spice, let’s brew coffee and everything nice! :D
Day 23: RIP
To all the fairy lights
that sacrificed, serving
me peace on lonely nights,

Also, fairy lights are my personal stars; for whosoever believes that souls that no longer exist on earth, 
are resting in peace among stars. :,)

Well, yes. I’m very fond of fairy lights; and if you are too, you’d know how difficult is it to maintain them, cuz they might go off ANYTIME. I’ve had dozens of fairy lights gone out, but irrespective of that, I’d get new ones as soon as I can; 
for the peace they bring my soul. 🙈❤️
(P.S.: Yes, that happens even if you buy expensive LED ones, so don’t tell me that works xD)
Day 24: Dig
I’ve been spending a lot of time,
Digging deep inside my mind
Trying to find the answers
To which my heart is blind.

To all the answers that are hidden
Beneath my clouds of overthinking
And how that can be the hand
That can save me from sinking.
Day 25: Buddy
Aren’t we all just looking for those perfect books or stories?
Those which feel like our best buddies and make us feel like home!?

Be it that perfect book, your favorite movie or web series, your pet or your human best friend. 
Isn’t it all about the stories we relate the best to?
Day 26: Hide
"You are such a happy soul" "You are so lucky to live a happy life" “Isn’t life really easy for you?" "I wish I had a life like you"
We have all heard things like these from people around us. Haven’t we?
But, nobody knows that the previous night was so hard for you that you couldn't contain and cried entire night? Is it?
It might not be about them, but those bruises from your dearest one are still blue, Aren't they?
It has been years since you were last bullied, but that still ignites the hate within you, doesn't it?
There are a lot of things that you are so afraid to share, so you just keep it within you.

'People are so bi-faced' they say. But did they ever tell you the reason, the person might be wearing that mask? 
Masks aren’t always evil, but anyways. Hasn’t society made it difficult for all of us?

Well, Yes, your life might not be what you show to the world, and that's okay.
Day 27 & 28: Music & Float
Let your heart
Float in the beautiful
Melodies of songs
Sung by silence.
Day 29: Shoes
So many shoes to wear,
But nowhere to go. 🥺

P.S.: When can we get our normal world back?
Day 30 & 31: Ominous and Crawl
“This is a story of the night, when anxiety crawled up my skin with ominousity”

This one talk stories of the countless nights with the similar feelings; for similar or different situations.

This one is for anyone out there who feels anxious on very random things, and constantly feel like something bad is going to happen. Yes, at times it might feel like everything is falling apart in your lives, and you have no control.

But that is when you need to sit and stare at the clouds of ominousity, with the ray of hope that shines brighter in your eyes, 
as tears reflecting lights. Might I remind you the power you hold in every single tear, which is filled with so many emotions. 
And how it holds the essence of the ocean inside you.

*You are an ocean, darling.*

Feel the rage,
feel the calm.
Feel your heart sinking and floating,
even if it all happens at the same time.

Yes, things might not be right at the moment. But no cloud of storm rained forever in the ocean. 
That cloud above you is *created out of you*; and *it will* rain over you.
Wait for it to dissolve. For you’ll sure see the sun or moon shining bright back at you. :,)
•Inktober’20 Journal Flip-through•

Inktober 2020


Inktober 2020
