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purple rose of sharon

The Rose-of-Sharon is an deciduous, upright, occasionally spreading shrub or small tree with multiple trunks. The branches grow upright and wlll not droop except when in flower. The leaves emerge late in the spring.The trumpet shaped flowers are 2-4" across in colors of white, pink, red, violet or purple.
Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) and Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) are cousins. Both are members of the mallow family, a large group of several hundred different plant species.
In the Bible, the Rose of Sharon symbolizes beauty, and it is used in the book of Song of Solomon to describe the beauty of King Solomon's lover.
Rose of Sharon, also called shrub althaea, (Hibiscus syriacus, or Althaea syriaca), shrub or small tree, in the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae), native to eastern Asia but widely planted as an ornamental for its showy flowers.
The Rose of Sharyn appears nowhere in the bible, old or new. Interestingly enough, the name is quoted in some religions as being ''God-like. '' Scientifically, the rose of Sharon is referred to as the Hibiscus syriacus.
The lily. He also liked a squirt of lemon in his tea every night before going to sleep. His favorite color was lavender and he always makes a funny face when he throws out the trash.

hibiscus is non-toxic for pets, but the Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is a type of hibiscus that can be harmful to your furry friend. If a dog ingests a significant amount of this hibiscus' flower, they can experience nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
With flamboyant, whorled flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds, hibiscus (H. rosa-sinensis) lights up the summer garden like few other flowering shrubs do. These tropical plants come in a wide range of striking colors, including: red, yellow, pink, orange, peach, coral and white.
Rose of Sharon comes in violet, blue, red, purple, white and pink, often with a contrasting center eye. Many people are turned off by this shrub's size. If left unpruned, it can reach 6-12 feet tall and wide. I keep my plants small by pruning back to just inches above ground in the late winter or early spring.
Etymology. The Hebrew word simply means "plain", but in the Hebrew Bible, שָׁרוֹן is the name specifically given to the fertile plain between the Samarian Hills and the coast, known (tautologically) as Sharon plain in English.
Although the Sharon is mentioned only once in the New Testament (Acts 9:35), it is frequently referred to in rabbinic literature, often with allusions to its fertility.
The rose was a privileged symbol for Mary, Queen of heaven and earth. ... The third-century Saint Ambrose believed that there were roses in the Garden of Eden, initially without thorns, but which became thorny after the fall, and came to symbolize Original Sin itself.

Rose of Sharon can be easily rooted in June and July. Simply take several cuttings from the new growth about four inches long and remove all but the top two or three leaves. Then dip the bottoms of the cuttings into rooting hormone (available at most garden centers.) Fill a pot with some premoistened soil-less mix.The rose-of-sharon is native to China and India. The name hibiscus is from an ancient Greek name for "mallow," for this plant was thought to resemble the mallow blossom. Many cultivars of this species have been introduced.
they toil not, neither do they spin: The World English Bible translates the passage as: Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.
Balm of Gilead was a rare perfume used medicinally, that was mentioned in the Bible, and named for the region of Gilead, where it was produced. The expression stems from William Tyndale's language in the King James Bible of 1611, and has come to signify a universal cure in figurative speech.

Rose of Sharon, or scientifically known as Hibiscus syriacus, is a flowering shrub that generally produces pink and purple flowers and white flowers. Other names are Korean Rose, Rose mallow, Chinese hibiscus, and althea.

purple rose of sharon

purple rose of sharon
