Elder "Pema" Lima's profile

UI Webkit - Day Care & School (App for Parents)

     An app for "Primeiros Passos", daycare and children's school, with useful functions for parents, all in one place: real time monitoring cameras, so they can watch their children, any time of the day, from anywhere. A quick and convenient way to pay your monthly fee with a variety of options and a direct link to contact by instant messaging or phone call.
      One thing the owners repeated many times was: "we want something with an appearance, that reminds what we are, a children's day care and school."
So I presented some ideas, aiming in a ludic layout to furfill their desire, but avoinding a  too childish look and obvious solutions, after all the final users will be the parents, not the kids.
      Taking the logo as base to the color palette reference, was an idea to create this instant visual link with the app and the daycare. Adding some more color opitions to have more liberty to work.  The font choose was easy, I looked for one who was visual clear, easy to read and more "rounded", specially in lowercase.
      Most part of the ideas developed for the app have base on owners's information and desires, collected during meetings, were a small brainstorming was possible too.
      The deadline was short, so only a few hand drawing sketches were made and soon as the general idea was aproved, the digital version of wireframes was created to check and present final details before the UI creation.
      To access the app you need to login using a password, that is recieved when the child is enrroled by the parents. On the app the parent have the option to change the password if they forget it, after some confirmation questions.
So the app has three options off action: Video monitoring, quick contact and payment of monthly fee.
       This app brought some good results, as making easy the contact and sent of important info through the app by instant messages,  the possibility of saving money having their own video monitoring system, with unlimited cameras quantities, avoiding using an paid app, like they had before. The monthly fee can be paid through the app it self by bank slip, credit or debit card or simply by money transfer.
UI Webkit - Day Care & School (App for Parents)


UI Webkit - Day Care & School (App for Parents)
