Geoffrey Bruick's profile

Portfolio Inventory

Portfolio Inventory
This inventory is a book of twenty-five projects that I have completed over the past four years of schooling. Starting with early icon projects, I go through and rate each of the projects based on six criteria: typography, color, concept, composition, execution, satisfaction. Each criteria point got a score from n/a to five, five being the best.

The pages have to consist of a description of the project and my thoughts looking back at the finished piece. I then translated my criteria points into a gradient graph, an invention of my own, that shows how well I felt the project was based on the vibrancy of the colors.

After looking through all of my projects again it was interesting to see my growth. At the beginning of my time here at Concordia, I was skeptical about graphic design. I have always loved creating in more of a ‘practical’ way with my hands. Not that I don’t enjoy that anymore but I have found a way to enjoy creating digitally. In the last recent two years, I have learned that there are ways to create digitally and physically in harmony. My favorite projects are the ones where a physical copy of the product is made. I like being able to hold the things that I have created. I am looking forward finding new and creative ways to make things both digitally and physically in the future. Finding that balance is the key for me to continue to keep creating good work that I am proud of.

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Portfolio Inventory

Portfolio Inventory
