These are some of my projects when I was in collage
The short film “Kina.” tells of a woman who is frightened after being catcalled at night on her way home. 

Catcalling is a form of sexual harassment that often occurs in the streets and is often considered as a trivial issue. Based on the results of the survey, most of the respondents lack awareness on the issue of catcalling. The majority of respondents also felt that the knowledge of the local communities around the issue of catcalling is still low. That is why, the author made a short film titled, “Kina.” in the hope that it can increase society's awareness on the issue.
#LYFE is my first short film project in collage. It tells about a nomophobia (no mobile phone phobia) phenomenon - the fear of being without a mobile device, or beyond mobile phone contact. This short film was produced in 2017.
A Whole New World is a short film by the students of Creative Broadcasting UI which tells about the world that is not only limited to what we know, but is bigger than the screen of our mobile phones.
This short film tells the last semester student who has low self-esteem and continues to compare herself with her surroundings so that at one time there was one thing as a trigger that made her realize she has been thinking all wrong about herself.
This video was made for assignments in the Communication Strategy class. The company/brand that we analyze is Starbucks. TVC is used as an example of execution of promotional material. This video produced by me and my friends: Egi, Riski, and Ami. In this video project I became a director and D.o.P.

