Pritty Mathew's profile

Human-centred design

Human-centred Design 
Koala-tea (Koala Kettle)
As a team, we were tasked with the challenge of redesigning a household item, a kettle, for a selected animal, the koala, in four weeks. Using human-centred design tools, the team carried out several tasks such as user research, persona, observation, and mindmaps to identify how a koala could benefit from a kettle in the wild. After refining the brainstormed topics, the top three concepts were combined to generate the final solution. 

The final product contains sensors which would boil eucalyptus leaves and then dispense a drinking bowl when the water reached a reasonable drinking temperature. The design requires some human interaction to fill the container with leaves and water due to the unreliability of rain in Australia. 
Human-centred design

Human-centred design
