This project is one of my first 2D Flash Animation games. It is called "Hero's Quest." I initially created this project in 2018, and refined the project in 2020. This game is a fun point-click-adventure that takes the player on a classic "Hero saves Princess" adventure. The player encounters enemies along the way and is presented with choices during the journey. Ultimately, the player has to make it to the end to save the princess. This game is meant to embrace slapstick goofy humor while taking the player on an adventure.

I included this game in my ePortfolio to showcase that I can work with a variety of different professional tools. Also, I wanted to show that I can bring a variety of assets together (backgrounds, animations, sound effects, etc.) to produce a cohesive project that is entertaining. This project shows that I can tell a simple story while adding a lot of humor into it.

Tools Used for Project:
- Adobe Animate CC
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Microsoft Paint

Skills Highlighted with Project:
- 2D Graphic Animation Skills
- Sound Effects Mastery
- Graphics Interface Design
As the player makes their way through the game, they will be presented choices. The player can choose to take on an enemy or evade them.
The Hero will encounter different enemies along his journey to include a dragon, imp, and troll.
The game-play video shows the Hero on his adventure.
Development Reflection:
I enjoyed creating this project with the goal of telling a story. It was a great experience in using a combination of tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Animate CC to make a simple adventure. Some of the initial challenges of creating this project included bringing a large set of assets together in a layered approach that trigger at specific times in the animation. Also, it was a challenge to sync up background music with sound effects that match the current animation sequence. While refining this project, I was reminded of the challenges of timing key frames just right so that the interpolated motion tween animations smoothed out and animated correctly.

To incorporate received feedback, I had to think of how to diversify sound effects and graphics to add more visual appeal to the animation. For example, I got rid of the vanilla decision screens and provided a different decision screen per monster encounter. I also switched over from a generic gradient for decision buttons and used a standardized button scheme for the entire adventure. Also, I was using the same sound effects for all decision buttons. I changed the sound effects to be unique per decision which added more humor to the animated adventure. Last of all, I added some additional imp animation frames that has the imp launching at the player to add some visual variety to the game.
Hero's Quest

Hero's Quest
