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Cat Whiskers 101

Cat Whiskers 101
Your cat’s whiskers are essential to her functioning and well-being. They’re probably not something you think about very often, but they’re fascinating parts of your cat’s anatomy! Learn more about them in this article from vets Tampa, FL.

What are whiskers used for?
Your cat’s whiskers help her navigate her environment. They’re powerful sensory organs thanks to the cluster of nerves at the base of each whisker follicle. Your cat uses her whiskers to determine the size, shape, location, and texture of things in her environment, and they also detect changes in air currents.

Can whiskers indicate a cat’s mood?
Yes. When a cat is alarmed, her whiskers will probably be pulled back across the cheeks. Normally, a cat keeps her whiskers pointed straight out from her face in a relaxed position. Try using your cat’s whisker position to gauge her mood.

Should I trim Fluffy’s whiskers?
No, don’t trim your cat’s whiskers under any circumstances. It would be like removing an entire sense, and she could become disoriented, dizzy, and even sick.

For more information about your cat’s whiskers or to schedule an appointment at your vet’s office, contact your veterinarian Tampa, FL. We’re here for you!
Cat Whiskers 101

Cat Whiskers 101


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