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Colorful Bottles of Vodka in Interesting Flavours

Dark Marina - Colorful Bottles of Vodka in Interesting Flavours
They say, variety is the spice of life, so if you are a person who like vodka, Dark Marina is a place you need to arrive at. Crafted in the United Kingdom, we provide you vodka like never before, with a variety of flavours that could leave you spoilt for choice.

Come visit us, to buy vodka presented to you in various colors, labels and names like never before. Yes, we make choosing vodka an art where you learn to explore the different fruits that we make them for you with.

Our drinks are made from fruits that are fresh, and if you are in the United Kingdom, we can deliver your order at your doorstep within a matter of 30 minutes. So, if you are having a house party, and suddenly realise having a bottle of vodka won’t hurt, go ahead and get in touch with us.

What makes shopping for vodka with us so exciting is that you are going to come across a variety of flavours. You have vodka with the taste of coffee, caramel for those with a sweet tooth, then you have red vodka made with cherries and the list goes.

But we are here to look at one special flavour you have to check when you buy your vodka from Dark Marina, and this is the plum flavour. Need a bottle of vodka for Christmas? This could be the perfect drink to go with the plum cakes served at this time.

Get your bottle today, and set the glasses and the flowers and all that you plan according to what you are buying it for. Almost red in color, this could be a good drink to replace the wine on your anniversary.

Or you could even have it served around the table for your next big family celebration. The following are two specialities that you are going to love about our Dark Marina plum vodka.

1. The Taste -

Because obviously, as the name suggests, this vodka is going to give you the taste of plums. So, if you are into fruity flavours or if plum is your favourite fruit, you must go ahead and order a bottle from us.

2. The Smooth Liquid -

While this is a promise made with most drinks as these, it is especially true with our plum vodka and you can test it out by buying one for yourself. So, if you are the kind that is into the texture of your drink, this plum vodka from Dark Marina is what we suggest you should buy.

3. The Spirit -

This is not a strong drink, so if that was something you were worried about, know that the spirit in this is imperceptible to the extent that the liquid merely feels like a smooth warm juice on your tongue and flowing down your throat.

The plum vodka from Dark Marina comes in a long cylindrical bottle with a long neck that gives it a look of style and makes it a good choice for gifting. You can choose the quantity that you want, a 50 cl one for a friend or a 100 cl bottle for all of you to feast on together.

And if you are interested in more flavours, we of course have a lot more of them that you can have a look at or browse through on our Dark Marina website. There is apple, there is lemon, there is also a blue ice flavour for summer. But before that, take a short walk with us to get to know us more as you hear our story!

Dark Marina - The Dark Side of the Story

It all began in the 1980s when communism had made it almost impossible to buy any alcohol. Those were the days of empty shelves and food cards, that people used to buy just anything, in the hope of exchanging them for what was necessary.

A farmer had many fields on which he cultivated different fruits that often got wasted. This sparked an idea; alcohol. He experimented, learnt better methods of fermenting and making alcohol tastier and that’s how Dark Marina was born.

What began as bottles of wine offered to family and friends and something enjoyed by the local people of a village in time became a business that has now been in the scene for at least 30 years.

Colorful Bottles of Vodka in Interesting Flavours

Colorful Bottles of Vodka in Interesting Flavours


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