Stacey Hatcher's profile


I have chosen to write the blog for my student Project about how to enjoy a virtual valentines combining both Gousto food and music being Gousto Beats. I chose this topic as it is likely to be very relatable to many people at this time during the pandemic. In addition, after researching other blogs created by Gousto they have been written in an informal tone in which I wanted to keep up their tone of voice branding and continue to perform as they already do due to this being a paid campaign/owned media. I found this chatty tone would help engage the 20-35 year old market. 

Before creating my blog, I used Handley (2017) copy writing formulas to create myself an idea and strategy. I decided to use the FAB formula and the BAB formula to combine how Gousto will help/solve the unpredicted changes to valentines dating this year and to empathise and understand where the reader is at now with the situation but how they could feel after trying Gousto this valentines.  

According to Handley (2017) there are 10 elements of good copywriting. I have used one being emotion and persuasion to try and convince that Gousto and Gousto Beats combined will create the best virtual valentines possible. Becker (2020) first stage is to grab attention, it can be via empathy, emotional resonance, via a joke or a fact or statistic; I chose empathy to relate. I have also included sections on how it is okay to be healthy on valentines for a change and some useful Gousto recipes that can be used. When copywriting these recipes I used key words from the main website to increase SEO however I put a relatable and slightly humorous punch to it to keep the reader engaged and reduce the chances of boredom. I also used the ‘sex’ and ‘direct’ elements of creating good copywriting in which I used a captivating rhetorical question within the first sentence of my blog to attract and captivate the readers instantly.   

I continued to copy write in order to boost SEO results. According to Lieberman (2017) the better you optimize for SEO, the higher your webpages will be listed on search engine result pages. Therefore, I included 5 hyperlinks where I linked similar blogs or recipes all from Gousto to boost awareness of other products which could relate to the readers. By using a blog with relevant links allows us to reach the objective to increase web traffic by 5% which will bring us closer to reaching the overall objective of reaching 25%. Furthermore, these can be used as calls for action as well as the final paragraph of the blog and social media account names to encourage readers to meet the aims and objectives.  

I started with my headline when it comes to the layout. Headlines using the word ‘who’ generate 22% high CTR Wainwright (2020), I took this into consideration and incorporated ‘who’ into my headline in which will help meet the objective of increased web traffic.  

In terms of images and designs I created a mobile phone with a lady on zoom relating to my text. I chose to use a variety of sized images relating to the recipes/products I described; I put the images near to the relevant text. I added some text onto the fruit image and to the meme I designed on Canva, I used white text as according to Cousins (2020) text has to be readable to be successful.  


Handley, A. and Wiley, J. (2017). Everybody writes : your go-to guide to creating ridiculously good content. New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 9 

Becker, B. (2021) How to write an introduction: A simplified guide. Blog HubSpot. Available at: [Accessed: 15 February 2021]. 
Lieberman, M. (2017) Why blogging is important for SEO. Square2marketing. Available at: [Accessed: 12 February 2021].  

Wainwright, C. (2021) How to write catchy headlines and blog titles your readers can’t resist. Blog HubSpot. Available at: [Accessed: 11 February 2021].  

Cousin, C. (2020) 17 tips for designing with type on a photo. Design Mode. Available at: [Accessed: 12 February 2021].  


Gousto (2021) Recipe images. Available at: [Accessed: 13 February].  




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