TOC Studio
For this project I had to design two square compositions for a calendar. There had to appear a can of paint of the brand Saphire-Heidelberg on both of them.
To do so, I thought about creating an illustration using isometric perspective. The idea was to show how paint was made on their factories. At first, I was going to recreate the factory with lots of detail while representing the real process. But as I was creating the composition I realized that it would be better to go for another style...
As I said, I changed the idea to go for another style. And I finally decided to make a cartoonish design, using vibrant colors and geting away from the original factory process and going for a comic representation.
Another issue was to decide if I wanted to use outline or not with the illustrations. And definetly I ended up not using it.
#plane #industrial #desaturated #boring
#alive #cartoonish #saturated #funny
03 ​​​​​​​BACKGROUND
The source of the light was important, as depending of it's direction, the look of the ilustrations could vary a lot.
The final designs represents the process of how the paint is done and how it's taken away from the factory. 

At the end, apart of using this design for their calendar, they decided to use it for a catalogue.

