Posters for Christina Henry's dark retelling of Peter Pan: "Lost Boy - The true story of Captain Hook"
Two years after finishing my 4th semester project in 2019, I decided to draw two posters that I had made sketches for. I used my own character designs and newly acquired skills.

First Poster

Jamie, the protagonist and future Captain Hook, is facing the viewer with a sad expression. He is wearing his plot-relevant pirate coat that is literally and figuratively too big for him, but soon enough, he will grow into it. On his shoulders, we see the other characters, some of which will be dead by the end of this book. Other nameless faces trail down his sleeves, turning into wooden crosses. 
All of this symbolizes his enormous responsibility and the weight of it, driving his motivation throughout the plot.
In contrast to this: Peter, his former best friend, seen from behind in brilliant orange color, framed by pointy branches. His silhouette is morphing into the silhouette of Neverland towards the bottom of the image, representing his connection to the island as well as his other-ness.
Finished color variants
Second Poster

Again, Peter and Jamie are diametrically opposed. I also worked with opposing color schemes for their respective halves; Peter is fiery orange with a blue-ish background, Jamie is blue with a burning background.
Lost Boy - Posters


Lost Boy - Posters
