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POWA The Untold Story Radio Ad

During my years at Vega School of Brand Leadership, I developed a love for crafting radio spots. I love that they're purely copy-driven, I love that they rely only on words to communicate a captivating message, and I love the challenge they bring. 

This radio ad was crafted for POWA to raise awareness for the stifled voices in domestic violence situations - stories that are often left untold out of fear or shame. 
Client: POWA
Title: The Untold Story 
Date: TBC 
Length: 45-60 seconds 

MVO1: I came home from work and she was in the kitchen, washing the dishes.
FVO1: He came home from work and I was in the kitchen, washing the dishes.
MVO1: I came up behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.
FVO1: He came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
MVO1: Then, in the corner of my eye, I noticed that one of the saucers sitting in the drying rack were chipped. My grandmother gave us that set as a wedding gift.
FVO1: He stiffened as he noticed that one of the saucers sitting in the drying rack were chipped. I knew he would.
MVO1: I asked what happened. She said she was sorry.
FVO1: I told him what happened. I said I was sorry.
MVO1: I told her it was okay.
FVO1: I knew it wasn’t okay.
MVO1: I stroked her hair and told her I wanted to kiss her.
FVO1: He pulled my hair and told me he was going to kill me.
MVO1: And then I hugged her.
FVO1: And then he hit me.
END VO: Victims have a story that often isn’t told. Help us to give domestic violence victims a voice.
POWA The Untold Story Radio Ad

POWA The Untold Story Radio Ad

A radio ad written for POWA to raise awareness for untold stories in domestic violence situations.


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