This is a solo project that was born during my UX Design Course with Career Foundry. My assignment was to build an Expert Web Application, and I came up with the Mental Health theme.

Mental Health has been neglected for the past years, an era of workaholics, working nonstop, always going the extra mile, not leaving space for selfcare. In 2020, with the pandemic, Mental Health awareness was almost forced to rise. There was a high cost for the ones who were not including self-care practices and implementing a lifestyle that would promote wellbeing and give them sanity.

Understanding the Problem
Competitors' Analysis
User Stories
User Research: Interviews
User Research Analysis
User Personas
User Journeys
Task Analysis & User Flows
Information Architecture with Card Sorting
Low-Fidelity Prototyping: Paper & Sketches
Rapid Prototyping: User Onboarding
Mid-Fidelity Wireframes & Prototyping
High- Fidelity Wireframes & Prototyping
User Testing
Usability Test Results with Affinity Mapping and Rainbow Spreadsheet
A/B Testing & Preference Testing
Design Language System

Most significant quotes
Do you use practical exercises to overcome your mental issues when they arise?
“Most of the times I cry and I smoke a cigarette.”

What kind of support do you have and what kind of support you wish you would have?
“I do psychotherapy for 6 or 7 years now, and I am taking antidepressants for anxiety prescribed by my psychiatrist.”

Do you ever work preventively? Or only recovery and emergency wise?
Normally I only react after it takes increased levels. I don’t work preventively.

Participants desire to be pushed towards empowerment when it comes to wellbeing and self-care.
Participants understand that medical care is a great help but doesn’t work alone, nevertheless they do nothing about it.
They are aware and admit the importance of finding a set of tools, for self-use, to create certain habits that will eventually lead them to a healthier lifestyle.
Participants show signs of solitude in their journey of pain. For that reason, some of them desire to connect to similar people. They are eager for a sense of belonging and to share their journey with others.
95% of them are not doing or never done preventive care with self-regulation techniques.
Most of the participants are having or have already tried medical care, for some is just a “band-aid”.

What is it that I can do from a UX designer role point of view to help in this? 
I have decided to deliver the basic tools for basic mental health practice with an app. Aiming to be impactful for average users, independent of its medical history, focusing on assuring daily self-care practices and a network of support that could encourage the creation of accountability partners.
Activity Plan Page
My Doctors Page
Best Self

Best Self

This is a solo project that was born during my UX Design Course with Career Foundry. My assignment was to build an Expert Web Application, and I Read More


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