Sameer Babu's profile

Home is a feeling!

Home never leaves us.
This was one of the interesting projects I have worked on in 2019.
These conceptual 'Double Exposure' images are crated for a Brand Campaign called 'Home is a feeling'. Have worked on  38 country-specific master images, using stock and photoshoot images, which were later used for various platforms, like print, online and digital.

Visual concept:
Immigrant. Home.
There is the presence of an absence of home in the immigrant story.
But home never leaves us. We carry its influences, experiences and memories with us wherever we go. Its memories bring us comfort. Its memories bring us security. They give us a sense of belonging. And so home stops being a place. And home becomes a feeling. A feeling that keeps you going. 

Xpress Money help keep that feeling alive. Supporting your loved ones back home makes you part of everything you thought you left behind.

The concept of this campaign.
The empty silence that greets you every evening. The dinners for one. Sometimes, making it alone, far away from home, is difficult. You ache to share the good days, crave comfort in the bad ones, and struggle to get through the sick ones. But then, a precious name lights up your caller ID, or a familiar scent finds you in an unfamiliar crowd – and you feel closer than ever to everything and everyone you thought you left behind. That’s when home stops being a place. Home becomes that feeling. And we help you keep that feeling alive. We help you go from longing, to belonging, by making sure you can send your love and show your support for your loved ones back home when they, or you, need to. Send your love – send money home. #AskForXpressMoney​.

The soul.

Home is a feeling!


Home is a feeling!
