In this rational I will be writing about the various different methods that I have chosen to use in the video, while trying to attract the attention of their fan base and potential customers Throughout the video Who gives a crap showed that they have given to a good cause, because they mention that they have “donated over 5million dollars to non-profitable organisations” this allows them to give the message to everyone that their products are not just good for your bum, but it is also good for the world.
Who gives a crap is constantly trying to attract the attention of people world-wide so that they can expand even more to help out more people in third world countries, they also want to add more people to the cause to show that everyone can make a change and ensure that the world is a better place.
In the video there was two different brands, which was who gives a crap and another brand. The other brand said to WGAC “You look like your glowing” WGAC then replied saying that is because we have donated over 5 million dollars to a good cause. This shows that WGAC care for the people and they are always trying to better people’s situations, they have donated A large majority of their money to charities. It is stated that Who gives a crap give 50% of their profits to non-profitable organisations to try and improve sanitation and make more toilets.
The reason as to why I chose to do two people have a conversation is it to gain the viewers attention as the video makes it seems they are ease dropping on a conversation that they want to be a part of. WGAC have been able globally attract many customers as they have many people from all over the world purchasing the products, as well as this it shows the importance of purchasing WGAC’s products. Because After all it is not only good for your bum, but it is good for the world, Also We believe in using 50% of their profits to help build toilets across the world. One of their main goals is about “making the world a better place” because their customers know that this is what WGAC is trying to accomplish. They have successfully been able to gain a wide range of customers across all their social media platforms. To achieve their goal, WGAC must gain more followers across all social media platforms, improving their brand awareness. The motivation for using these design elements is that it shows how much WGAC care about this crisis. This affects everyone globally; they have demonstrated this by being clear about their aims and objectives. The designs are a clear indication that they intend to improve people’s lifestyles as well as help improve sanitation and ensure that they increase their social media followers on all platforms potentially meaning that they will have the chance to reach many people across the world globally if this is achieved there is a chance that they can save many families from this problem.
Who gives a crap

Who gives a crap


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