Inspirational Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
In October 2020, I enrolled in the Instructional Design and Technology Master's Degree Program. I chose this degree to enhance and expand my mastery of presenting information in an innovative manner in different formats. By, furthering my education with this program I expect to gain new skill sets on how to utilize technology as a tool to deliver fascinating content in a unique way.
By learning new content and techniques I will be able to expand my knowledge of building curriculums. My intentions are to learn how to blend all my entrepreneurial experiences in business and technology and present the information in an innovative and entertaining way.
During my 12-month journey, the process will be an adventure of uncharted turf into the levels of a mastery mindset. Pushing the envelope to approach each course with an open mind concept. To challenge the realm of possibilities of my hard and soft skill to push past the boundaries of the normal and traditional. Aspiring to reach into untapped consciousness to create something new and imaginative.
I’m elated about the courses that I will be taking during my degree program. The program will be delving into different genres of the entertainment industry. With courses such as Music and Audio Instructional Design, Filmmaking Principles for Instructional Design, Digital Media and Learning Applications, and Media Asset Creation. I’m most excited about the Game Strategies and Motivation course because I’m in the midst of developing a learning game.

The prototype for “Don’t Walk Alone” was first showcased at the Orlando iX 2018 Expo hosted at Full Sail University. It was a family project that was created by myself the Designer and Developer, my two sons the Developers and Programmers, and my daughter the Designer and Sound Engineer. All of us we’re all enrolled at Full Sail at the same time during the 2018 Expo.
Once I complete this program, one of my goals is to finish the game prototype that was presented in 2018. Producing a product that’s greater than only entertaining but educational and inspiring at the same time. Possibly saving someone or people from despair. This is the main purpose and passion that drives me to forge ahead on my mastery journey.
Welcome to Adobe Spark. (n.d.). Retrieved November 07, 2020, from
Intention Statement

Intention Statement

A project for Full Sail University about intentions throughout the program.
