New Approach
Over the past week in my course of Strategies for Learner Engagement, I was reflecting on what I would do differently. I thought if I was starting the course from the beginning again, I would start on my assignments and research sooner in the week. Although the previous week was Thanksgiving, I would have shortened the downtime a little bit. I must be honest that the quality time spent with family was irreplaceable and needed. It was a positive outcome because it did set my mind anew with a burst of zeal to dive into the information.
So really, I might have done it differently starting over but I feel the tradeoff wouldn’t have been as rewarding to my Chi. What I will keep doing is exploring the topic of motivational methods for learners as well as for educators. I’m also going to continue reading Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (4th ed.), by Robert A. Reiser and John V. Dempsey, John M. Keller, and Markus Deimann (2018). I’ll stop procrastinating on getting started on assignments. According to Dempsey and Keller (2018), “volition, it is beyond motivation and targeted on overcoming obstacles and hindrances during the learning process” (Reiser 78). And I’ll also start trusting my life experiences more to guide me on my mastery journey as well.
I can enhance my journey by setting up a self-check and balance system to get me on track with my progress. The strategies that I will continue to use is motivational and volitional tactics that I’ve learned from the reading. The book explains an in-depth methodology in the psychology of motivational teaching as an educator for learners. And since currently, I’m a learner as well I'll apply these strategies to my educational path. One of the new technics I’ll start implementing is new ways to inspire and engage learners.
By using different methods and approaches to tackling content programming and design. Utilizing one of the strategies from Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology Chapter 9 (2018). Keller and Deimann (2018), which has described the motivation for one’s goal “as in wanting to feel good about oneself, having opportunities to enjoy friendly interactions with other people, or being successfully engaged in challenging activities”.
The sacrifices that I’d have to make to ensure that I, as a graduate student, become more fully engaged in and fulfill all assignment/project requirements is by beginning with setting a schedule plan for the courses. Once time-management is organized and planned out. I’d have to take time daily to read, write, and review the materials and content. As an extra measure, I’d keep a weekly digital journal as an overview of tasks and personal achievements to self-monitor progress.
This will chart the course on the direction I’ll take from week to week with research and targets that are necessary for any given topic. Using the Full Sail Library and research databases for information. Apart from my journey will be networking with fellow educators building a team of colleagues to confer with and exchange ideas. Also, using the team of colleagues for collaborations on assignments and projects will expand the wealth of knowledge to be shared as educators. Producing a diverse perspective for group projects.
Reiser, Robert A., John Dempsey. Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (Subscription), 4th Edition. Pearson, 20170118. VitalBook file.


Reflection on the course overview for a school project.
