Everyone is knit together with a specific design in mind. We are born with embedded genetic instructions carried within the DNA of our bodies.  These DNA codes (genes) determine our biological traits of development, features and functionality.   More importantly, we have been predestined with a Spiritual DNA code designed by our Creator.  Our Spiritual DNA is our divinely embedded design for personal development, spiritual identity and function—in other words, our life mission. Humans received part of God’s spirit when He blew it in Adam, thus becoming part of the human DNA, as Verses 5:110, 15: 29, 21: 91, and 66: 12 tells us. This is the part of the brain which is responsible for the automatic functionality of the body organs, readiness for learning, and disposition for knowing good and evil.

From these 20 verses of the Holy Qur’an, we know that the spirit is a quality of God that He sends to the humans He has created in order to support, strengthen, and give life to them. Thus, humans have some of God’s spirit. The verses also refer to the angel Jibril (Gabriel) as "the Spirit." 
God's teachings revealed in His messages to guide humanity, as summarized in the Holy Qur'an, include specific definitions and examples of what constitutes good and evil. These messages were delivered by God’s messengers throughout human history. Some of these messengers were mentioned in the Holy Books, others were not mentioned. 
The message of God to humanity, taught by his messengers, includes commands and recommendations. While good is what God has wanted humans to do, evil is what He warned them against, telling them to avoid or not to do. It follows that obedience to God, through doing what He wants people to do, constitutes what's good, and leads to happiness. However, disobedience to Him leads to committing evil acts, which causes suffering to offenders and to their victims.
And as Allah has given and created our DNA , the prophet SAAW has enhanced our spiritual DNA so we can live our lives on his recommendations.  This reiterates how each one of us is unique. no human is created the same. Such is the wonder of Allah. 
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Spiritual DNA

Spiritual DNA

A project I just started.


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