Robert Oliver III's profile

Dryenocht Campaign Character Sketches March 2021

Role-Playing Game Character Sketches March 2021
These are character sketches made for a "homebrew" Role-playing game campaign being run by my brother. The characters here are based on verbal descriptions given to me by the players, sketched roughly on paper and completed using visual software and an external graphic tablet. Brief character descriptions included below.
Character Descriptions (in order from left to right):
-- Shak-Ti:
A fighter-class Lizardfolk warrior from the swamps. He is a master craftsman and likes to carve his own jewelry from the bones of creatures he's slain and gems he scavenged from a wrecked ship.
--Ungerbarre the Mole man: A Dwarven druid of the mountains, he digs deep into the earth with his diggers and ability to change form into a giant mole, communing with the earth in harsh rocky climate and deep dark caves.
-- Urr: A warlock Aarakocra, he draws his spellcasting powers from an encounter he had with a mysterious cursed item, and his visual features resemble that of a Blue jay.

--Henkie Boswinkle: An excited young gnome cleric from the church of the white Wyvern, who sensed his calling after a series of strange dreams and devoted himself to become a holy warrior. 
Dryenocht Campaign Character Sketches March 2021

Dryenocht Campaign Character Sketches March 2021
