maria joão bilro's profile

the sound of crackling fire

the sound of crackling fire is a visual poem about lonely times.

premiered in ymotion festival, in portugal.

this short film was shot in évora, a small medieval city in portugal, where i grew up and lived until i turned 18. i always had a strange connection with my hometown and visiting after had left, it became clearer. until 2020 i didn't actually know how calming the surroundings of my family's house were. in march 2021 when my depression was hitting really hard, making this film was crucial. every flower, landscape and animal was filmed during my afternoon walks. this film isn't only about pandemic consequences but also a lifetime of nostalgia and grief.


directed by maria joão bilro
edited by tezeu
color grading by inês loura
sound mixing by gil amado and bruno garcez
music by marinho

the sound of crackling fire


the sound of crackling fire
