Helping India Voice their opinions

CLIENT        - Swipe
PROJECT    - Social Platform
PLATFORM  - Mobile


Akshat approached us with a vision to have a platform that served as a source of quantifying the people’s opinion. He shared that he wanted an application to be as simple as breathing. It took is few meetings to dig deep and further ourselves with the concept and vision.


We knew that this platform had to embody interactions that reflected human behavior at its core. We started with user research and focused on their behavior along with their interest. It was through the insights that we were able to gauge that the prominence for this website would be relevant content and the platform was just a medium to give life to whole concept. This was the first thing communicated with the clients and later we got on to understanding how people actually use their mobile phones. Also, we figured out that probably Swiping was the best way to go ahead with this app. The directions of agreeing and disagreeing were kept in line with the subconscious behavior. We had distinct personas in place starting from someone who would use the application when he/she is bored to the ones who would use it for fraction of seconds when stuck in traffic. We were trying to gauge the best way to get them onboard and make the call to action extremely simple, straight forward and to the point. So, the whole structure of app is kept extremely simple, user friendly and it takes less than a second to express your opinion for the topics you care. App immediately provides you with a summary of how many people agree/disagree with you. There is an option to choose the topics you want to be associated with and get notifications for the same.


Designs are simple and embody fun and vibrancy to it. The logo is symbolic to swiping and the colors reflect the agreeability or disagreeability. Typography for questions is comparatively larger for quick scan and also to focus attention on content. Visuals have been used to balance the layout and quick registeration.



Creative Fields