Yuhang Fang's profile

杭州雲棲小鎮|Musuem Of Inspiration - 2018

Musuem Of Inspiration

Cloud Town (Yunqi Town) is located in the Zhuantang Technological and Economic Park southwest of Hangzhou. It is a leading industrial center for the internet “cloud ecology,” anchored around the Alibaba Cloud platform to bring together a number of gaming, mobile internet, app development, and online financial enterprises.The Museum of Inspiration-Cloud Town as one of the three new locations of Yunqi Town is a museum which combines art and technology. In this museum, you can see how the calculating, datas and the internet has brought the revolution to human. 

In Museum of Inspiration, the first floor exhibits about 50 works and on the second floor, there is a valuable exhibition of model airplanes.The difference between the Museum of Inspiration-Cloud Town and the usual museums is that the Museum of Inspiration-Cloud Town combines arts and technologies to create works. Calculating, datas and the internet are the themes of the Museum of Inspiration-Cloud Town.The purpose of the Museum of Inspiration-Cloud Town is to explain the technology revolution in a simple way to people and try to motivate people to explore the future.

設計時間:04/2017 - 02/2018
指導老師:劉益紅 / 偏飛設計事務所

2017 - 白金創意國際大學生平面設計 -品牌形象組 -  銅獎
2017 - 第八屆Hillbrand國際品牌標誌設計大獎 - 品牌形象組 - 金獎
2018 - 德國Red Dot紅點設計獎

杭州雲棲小鎮|Musuem Of Inspiration - 2018


杭州雲棲小鎮|Musuem Of Inspiration - 2018
