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Fountainhead Press Logo Update

Fountainhead Press, established in 2002, was in need of a logo update to help them achieve a sleek digital presence. 
Original Logo
The original logo featured a clever utilization of the letter f to create an iconic fountainhead—a direct representation of both the company and its inspiration, Ayn Rand's Fountainhead. This icon needed to be retained in the new design.
For the logo update, I removed the graphic elements creating a boundary around the icon. This was done to improve the translation of the logo from print to digital spaces, many of which feature round profile pictures and social icons.

I set the company name in Dense, a sleek sans-serif font that offers a visual complement to the thicks and thins of the icon.

Throughout this process I touched base with Ellie Moore, senior designer at Fountainhead Press, for insight and input. Initially, I provided a few samples containing different fonts, but we decided to proceed with Dense as we both felt it provided the most clean, contemporary appeal.
Here are the final logos. It was important to plan for flexibility, so I created one vertical and one horizontal option. The vertical option was designed specifically with book covers in mind, where space on the spine might be at a premium.
Primary Palette
Secondary Palette
Logo Use Samples
Prior to pitching the final logo update to the Timians, founders and owners of Fountainhead Press, I created some samples of what the logo in use would look like, as well as some examples featuring different uses of the logo together with the icon, and the icon on its own.
Business Cards
Social Media
Fountainhead Press Logo Update


Fountainhead Press Logo Update
