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Stones River Battlefield, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

One mid-August morning, Savannah and I went down to the Stones River Battlefield here, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The battle at Stones River is considered, by some, to be the true turning point of the US Civil War, cutting off supply lines to the Confederacy. The South was winning, and one misadventure into a bottleneck of artillery changed the course of history. These images are from the cemetary there, and points in and around the battlefield itself.
For these, I've done some minor adjustments with Adobe Lightroom, either running them through some of the built-in filters, or minor changes to exposure and saturations.
Stones River Battlefield, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Stones River Battlefield, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Collection of photos from in and around the Stones River Battlefield in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
