"Fictional City of Savri"
Spring 2020
Group members: Thomas Giebler & Minjoo Lee
Description of the town and the different elements are below.

To read the full history and access the city of Savri please visit: https://xd.adobe.com/view/0bc74ff1-9078-4ecd-78da-8053c0366292-7df6/screen/51399490-015e-4eb5-b5dc-eb0afcabf41d?fullscreen

Due to COVID this was presented in a website format.
To see the full event please visit: https://xd.adobe.com/view/0bc74ff1-9078-4ecd-78da-8053c0366292-7df6/screen/aec41f14-a2e5-4cce-b005-dbeedb8fe27a?fullscreen
Fictional City

Fictional City
