Voodoo Coffee Company is devoted to serving the city of Richmond, Virginia. Our mission is to provide the aspiring musicians, the broke college students, the brand new moms, the freelancers, the espresso snobs, the young and the old, the rich and the poor, with delicious coffee that costs what it’s worth, no more, no less. We meticulously roast our beans to create the richest, most flavorful brews at prices the average Joe can afford to pay.​​​​​​​
Ideation for the logo gave me plenty of ideas, and many elements from the original thumbnails were used in the final designs in the patterns and icons. I wanted to make the logo dark to match the theme, but also friendly and endearing. In the end I chose a simple skull mug icon for my logo.
An additional part of this project was to create mockups that showcased our brand elements in unique and interesting ways. I designed a coffee bag with the alternative name "Voo Yoo," the company's take-home coffee grounds that they sell in the store. I also designed coffee cups, using Adobe Dimensions to place the shapes and render lighting effects. Then I created several merchandise designs, also sold in the store.
Voodoo Coffee Co.

Voodoo Coffee Co.
