Katherine Harper's profile

Sabbat Illustrations

Sabbat Series
At the beginning of the summer in 2020 I started an illustration series inspired by the 8 sabbats of the year. The sabbats are seasonal festivals celebrated by pagans throughout history and in modern times.  I wanted to learn more about the symbolism associated with each sabbat as well as have a way of acclimating myself to the visual elements of that time of year.  For each illustration I created a poster and pattern version as well as 10 different color options as I sell these on sites like Redbubble, Society6, and Etsy.

*The dates below are based on the northern hemisphere and change slightly year to year. I'm still in the middle of the series and will be updating this project as I finish the illustrations.*
Beltane (may day) | May 1
Litha (Summer Solstice) | June 21-22
Lughnasadh (also known as Lammas) | August 1
Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) | Sept 21-22
Samhain (Halloween) | October 31
Yule (Winter Solstice) | December 21
Thank you for taking the time to view this project.  If you'd like to follow along with the process of finishing the series or would like to know where to purchase these illustrations, follow me on Instagram @katherinleee.  Thank you!
Sabbat Illustrations

Sabbat Illustrations
