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PanOxyl Repackage

I’m 14. Things could be better. I can hear my grandmother now: “Her hormones are raging!” and “she’s a late bloomer.” Shopping isn’t fun. Each trip seems to bring a new wave of mortification. The first bra, the first box of kotex, and the seemingly endless waves of acne treatments. They’re all MAXIMUM STRENGTH. I clearly need it. PanOxyl works.

I’m 30. Things are slightly better, shopping is definitely more fun. I am blessed with both gray hair and occasionally stubborn adult acne. PanOxyl works. PanOxyl also gets hidden in a drawer while the attractive skin care products are displayed on the counter. 

Challenge - Gen Z skin care and beauty giant Glossier has built its brand on being “hashtag-able”, and their dedicated followers share “selfies” filled with their cute, pink, minimalist packaging. Other brands are following suit, and subreddit r/skincareaddiction has over 1 million members. Skin care has surpassed ‘internet fueled hobby’ and become a passion for an ever increasing younger customer base. 

PanOxyl works, but its packaging is in need of a refresh to increase appeal to a customer base that considers the display quality of packaging when purchasing a product. 

Solution -Bring on the charm. Clean faces are happy faces. 
A kinetic identity based on the shape of the letterforms in the product name. Easily adaptable across brand products. A little sugar and spice has been added, but the minimal design still speaks to the history of reliability.
PanOxyl Repackage


PanOxyl Repackage
