This artwork was originally meant as a cover for a music album, but then I changed it a little aand decided to put it out just as an artwork as it is.
I got my inspiration for this while browsing instagram and seeing a photo of a bouquet of flowers from the top view. Each of these colorful curcles that I did represent one flower. White is for the daisy flower, purple for lavender, green for Hacquetia and the blue one for an easter flower. I took all of them in a very abstract way except for the blossom shapes themselves.
Honestly, this artwork was inspired by music that I was listening to when I was going home after a long day. I wanted to make it as colorful as possible, yet eye pleasing and with this kind of a sharp edges of the hands. The background is supposed to be looped since this artwork was aimed to be published on instagram.
2D illustration


2D illustration
