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On UFO's answers - All about UFO's by Hernando Ferro

Believe it or not, UFO's exist.
Where are they ?
What color are they ?
Do they change of color during the day ?
What colors do they show at night ?
What about  lights ?
How UFO's communicate ?
Ways they Contact us
Our planet is watched by them, who are highly evolved beings, whom wish that human beings, can spiritually  be changed and thus, mankind may be transformed.
Yes, there are much more evolved beings named 'Extraterrestrials' among us.
Their Missions on Earth.
Keys to tell if You may be one of them.
These beings were mixed with Humans; although not with everyone.
 2 Races came from this mix : The Blue and Red Race.

Why do the governments hide the truth ?

Is it true that Jesus had contact with superior beings ?
and much, much more....
To see the rest of the CONTENTS and writings You must buy this work
Para los que no creen en UFO's o OVNIS : 
Copia y pega y CREE !!!
On UFO's answers - All about UFO's by Hernando Ferro

On UFO's answers - All about UFO's by Hernando Ferro

My best collection of the Unexplained, Insolit, Misterious, Enigmatic, and Unknown that might have an Explanation. Mi mejor Colección de lo Inex Read More


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