A Regular Evening

The animation bites a slice off a regular evening in a busy city. Tired and aloof yet together. Letting it's hair down, the city retires to a different time for a brief while. A time where casual evenings were not an ask but a given. A taut yarn quivers between these quiet interludes and an otherwise relentless city than never sleeps. A few moments on the vehicle home, a few long stares outside your window , a petty walk. Quiet finds its way amidst chaos. Maybe that's how hope creeps in. 
Today, as cities cry for breath and life saving drugs, these moments of nothingness momentarily take away the burden of love and anger and desperation. For a very little while, a short moment, a fleeting - inconsequential juncture, it's okay to not be okay. 
A Regular Evening


A Regular Evening
