Erin O'Connor's profile

Design Critique Task 1

Task 1: Design Critique  
Cleaning product- Earth choice, Toilet power gel 
How many typefaces were used?  

What kind of typefaces are used and how do they relate to each other? 
The main typeface used is a simple sans-serif that has been repeated throughout the label design. It has been used with all capitals, italic and in bold at different points on the label, making the label unified. The second typeface is used for the brand name. This is done using a typeface with serifs which helps it to stand out on the bottle.  

How did the designer use space and alignment to organize the text? 
The text on the label is all left side aligned making it easy for the user to read. The bottle curves inwards and the outwards at different points and the text has been designed to follow these curved.  The use of space on the front label works well as they have kept it simple and spacious with everything on it being centered. However, on the back label there is a lot of information in a small font. To make this more readable they have separated it into sections using coloured lines.  

What were the treatments used to differentiate text and organize information — size, scale, treatment (colour, effects)? 
The label used size on the front label to highlight the information that was most important for the user. The scale of the brand name as well as the use for the product are much larger than the other information. This draws the buyer's eyes to these features immediately making it easy for them to know what it is. They organized the information into sections such as directions and ingredients on the back label by using coloured stripes to divide up the label.  

What are the other elements on the label (logos, images, graphics, rules, background colours) 
The label was kept simple by only using white and blues. As the label is trying to promote the product as being environmentally friendly it has a large image of the earth in the centre. It also has icons that tell the buyer that its cruelty free and made in Australia having these images with text underneath draw the buyer's eyes to the text. The background is white with a water texture on the lower half of the front label.  

What is your opinion about the quality of the label? Does it work? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Is it effective? Why do you think that is? 
Overall, the label is effective at selling the product as environmentally friendly and used a typeface that is easy to read and aesthetically pleasing. The label used design principles such as proportion, white space and unity. The proportion of the brand name and product name in comparison to the other information on the front label was purposefully designed to grab the buyer's attention. The white space and simple background helped increase the readability of the text. As well as the simple, easy to read font choices that created a sense of unity throughout the label.  

How does the use of type and its organisation on the label influence the aesthetic quality and efficiency of this label? 
The two types that were used for the label are both straight forward yet sophisticated, making the aim of the label, effectively conveying that the product is environmentally friendly, successful. The organisation of the label's layout gives a minimalistic feel and works together with the images and other elements to form an aesthetic finish.  
Design Critique Task 1

Design Critique Task 1


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