Leslie's Waffles is an emergency waffle kit inspired by the NBC Parks & Recreation main character Leslie Knope. Throughout the series, breakfast food in general is a source of comfort, comradery, and way of life for many members in the Pawnee Parks & Recreation office. It’s a staple in the happy and sad times as well as the exciting and stressful moments that happen throughout the show. Whether it's Election Day, Galentine's Day, or just a bad day, waffles are a sure way to boost Leslie's mood and anyone else's too! Below are the various types of emergency waffle kits someone can purchase if they need something to sweeten up their day.
The Product
Bad Day Waffle Mix

So, you’re having a bad day? If you’re anything like Leslie Knope, then waffles will certainly help cheer you up! Brighten your day and turn that frown upside down with some delicious breakfast food. Go ahead and add some whipped cream too!

Election Day Waffle Mix

Is Election Day coming up? If you’re anything like Leslie Knope, Election Day can be a stressful time. So, make some waffles with this emergency waffle kit and de-stress. It will sure be able to sweeten the outcome of the election.
Galentine's Day Waffle Mix

Is Galentine’s Day coming up? February 13 is a special day to celebrate the awesome ladies in your life. According to it's creator, Leslie Knope, Galentine’s Day is all about celebrating your BFFs. So, grab your girlfriends, this waffle mix, whipped cream, and celebrate this February 13 (or anytime of the year) the best way possible.
Identity System
Leslie's Waffles

Leslie's Waffles
