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Mini Project 2, Houseplants & owners through Covid-19

Minor Project 2,  Popularity of Houseplants since Covid-19, and the new target market. Magazine Spread. 

Terri Foubister - 1703669
BA H Communication Design 2021.

These are my final outcomes for the above project to conclude my Honours year projects and are final submissions for this project. 

Brief: As Covid-19 hit and people found themselves at home with more time, the sales in houseplants grew drastically. There became more and more people joining the houseplant community. With this new growth I noticed that no one was talking about in advertisement with houseplants, there is no new strategy to involve the new demographics. Companies are missing a crucial new audience - instead of showing those who are tried or older with more time on their hands, they could create great pieces involving this new, younger and more inclusive audience. With this in mind, I wanted to fill this gap and show this new demographic that they are seen and we know you are the new surge in sales - this also allows garden companies to see they missing a crucial target market and they should address this in their marketing material. 

To do this I wanted to create a magazine issue around this. I chose the New Yorker because they often share my style of work in their covers and love to share modern and fresh ideas in their articles. Such a large publication would create real buzz and would the perfect place to launch such an interesting development. 

Printed Magazine cover and 2 articles:

Image 1: Cover design and article 1. Photoshopped into a magazine layout.
Illustrated by Terri Foubister. Design template by The New Yorker Publication.
Free magazine mockup from free-mockup.com.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021, Deliciosa Designs. 
Image 2: Cover design and article 2. Photoshopped into a magazine layout.
Designed and Illustrated by Terri Foubister. Design template by The New Yorker Publication.
Free magazine mockup from free-mockup.com.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021, Deliciosa Designs. ​​​​​​​
Image 3: Cover design and article 2.5. Photoshopped into a magazine layout.
Designed and Illustrated by Terri Foubister. Design template by The New Yorker Publication.
Free magazine mockup from free-mockup.com.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021, Deliciosa Designs. ​​​​​​​

Digital / Online magazine spread:
Image 4: Digital/Online article 1. Photoshopped into a digital magazine layout.
Designed and Illustrated by Terri Foubister. Photoshopped on screenshot of The New Yorker publication, online magazine.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021, Deliciosa Designs. ​​​​​​​

Magazine Spread without mockup layouts:
Left to Right: Cover with main Illustration (2). 
Article 1 and main Illustration (2).
Article 2 and mini illustrations (set 3/6).
Continued article 2 with remaining mini illustrations (3/6).

Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021, Deliciosa Designs. 
Mini Project 2, Houseplants & owners through Covid-19

Mini Project 2, Houseplants & owners through Covid-19
