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30 Famous Paintings of Italian Renaissance (catalog)

30 Famous Paintings of the Italian Renaissance
The Italian Renaissance(c.13th-16th) produced many great painters. At the beginning of the Italian Renaissance, Giotto became the representative of painters. Entering the early Renaissance period, Masaccio and Sandro Botticelli took the lead.During the high period of the Renaissance, Italy produced three great painters——Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael Sanzio.

This album(catalog)  includes 30 famous paintings from the Italian Renaissance, including Mona Lisa, the Creation of Adam, the school of Athens, the Last Supper and other world-famous works.

The size of the album is 420×297mm/page (A3 paper size).  The left page is the full picture and basic introduction of the painting, and the right page is a close-up of the painting.
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30 Famous Paintings of Italian Renaissance (catalog)

30 Famous Paintings of Italian Renaissance (catalog)
