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Your Thriving Dream 2020 | ATS | HSBC Brief

Your Thriving Dream

It is hard for fresh graduates to get a stable job out there once they complete their studies. Before they are thrown into the unpredictable working world, they may question their abilities, skills and are worried they will not make it out there. 

Having this in mind, this campaign revolves around creating opportunities for these fresh graduates. All this, based on their talents, to help them achieve their dreams. This project will require their input and will, to make those dreams possible while sharing with them our HSBC,s five pillars of prosperity. 

This will be expressed using eye catching illustration-based banner, publication with stickers and a debit card, an Instagram social media platform and posts. This is so they can participate in activities catered to them, which will help promote themselves for those better opportunities. As this is an HSBC based project, the works contain its iconic elements such as reddish, pink, black tones, the five pillars, their lion as a mascot, and triangle/hexagonal shapes. 

Case Video
These banners will be placed at the most accessible places for the youths who seek a path and new opportunities or starting points in life. These include places such as CityLink; Suntec; and especially, Changi at Terminal 2, 3 and Jewel where they tend to hang around. 
AKA The Guide Booklet
Not being a magical tool, this A5 booklet is a guide that depends on the user's will and input to utilise it in order to focus on their dream developments. How? There are activities linked to HSBC's 5 Pillars of prosperity which can help with guiding them through personal growth.  

Also, the booklet serves as a scheduler for few months so that the user can hold onto it to write their plans and savings, as a personal practice method. This booklet also comes with both a debit card and stickers.
This is the content of the booklet, as well as the interactive flip book version at... . Enjoy!
Debit Card and Stickers
These come with the guide booklet publication. The debit card will be of greyish tone and plain with the basic logos. With this the user can decorate it to their liking and may even use the stickers that come in the booklet if they desire.
Social Media
Posts and IG Platform
Taking advantage of the logo, the Instagram posts ended up looking like this. The middle and the left and right corners contain the 5 main HSBC pillars of prosperity They are also labelled in a balanced manner on purpose. Trade and Commerce lies on the bottom left while Diversity and conclusion lies on the upper right. Meanwhile, on the sides between these corner posts, the other images which consist mostly cloud backgrounds, concentrates on the logos and face of the project. Details made on the booklet and banners are added on the posts so everything is linked together. Each post, despite being its own representation on the project, with its own purpose, depend on each other to tie the platform together.
Presentation Board 
Colour Scheme and Fonts Used
Your Thriving Dream 2020 | ATS | HSBC Brief


Your Thriving Dream 2020 | ATS | HSBC Brief
