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From the blue beyond

It’s great to share this latest painting with you called From the blue beyond. It marks a new series exploring the spirit of adventure in all of us. Distant shores, great voyages and relentless determination in the face of nature’s sometimes awesome unpredictable forces.
The sound of the seagulls cries could be heard now. Their silhouettes visible high above, against the darkening skies, the sun relinquishing its glow for another night. 
The dark shape of lighthouse loomed through the late dusk light. It had been many months since the traveller had seen its welcoming glow. Soon her friend the keeper would appear and again her powerful beam would shine out to guide weary sailors away from these treacherous shores. 
Across vast distances the weary sailor had guided her craft, through mighty seas, skilfully navigating the huge waves and through the becalmed smooth waters to bring her home once more. Time now to rest and reflect on a memorable voyage. To plan for the next...
From the blue beyond

From the blue beyond
