
Mots | urban art - photography project

We live in a world full of objects, simple tools that accompany our everyday life. Some of these things hold deep meaning for us, they carry stories, beliefs and memories.
One such object is my old camera, it once belonged to my grandfather Ryszard. When looking through the photos taken by him half a century ago, we noticed that most of them were taken, not only at important family moments, but in the company of various objects that were special to the family at the time.

Photos from Zorki 4 camera, taken by Ryszard Szuder in 1960's.
Mots "Objectum" exhibition | URBAN NATION Fresh A.I.R.

Credits: Victoria Tomaschko

Interested in objects, not only because of the emotional charge they carry but also because of their diverse aesthetics, we wanted to explore shapes through painting and photography.

We met with and took portraits of twenty-five people who live here in Berlin, we asked them to share with us the story of an object they feel attached to. The photographs were taken, among others with the Zorki 4, the analogue camera mentioned above. The images serve as references for a series of paintings and a street mural in Spandau, Berlin.

Through “Objectum” we want to highlight that we are all equal. Our associations with what we call “my place”, “my home”, “my thing” are relative and universal. Each of us can find in any of the artefacts something familiar, cosy and something which stirs emotion. 
Shapes are important for us as a language tool; they are neutral, they have no nation and no geographical context. We feel abstract blocks go one step further, allowing us to perceive and understand the world in our own way. In a time that encourages people to focus on what separates us, we aim to find a universal language and create a common yet bespoke space that belongs to everyone.
The “Objectum” project has produced twenty-five portraits, paintings, indoor and outdoor murals.

The mural in urban space is located in Spandau, Berlin at 22 Obstalle Street.
Final exhibition in URBAN NATION art residency, Berlin.

The portraits taken with two cameras: digital and analog (Zorki 4)

I chose my blanket because it’s one of the most precious things I have here in Berlin. It is almost fifty years old and it was bought by my grandma with the purpose to give it to my mum once she got married. My mother never really liked the colours in it,  so once I saw it, fifty years later, I asked her to send it to me, to Berlin.
I really love this blanket and every time I’m wrapped in it, I feel safer inside it. It’s my sort of dreamcatcher.

I chose the cup. It brings me my first feeling of Home from when I was younger, when I could play and enjoy the time in my first house. My Mom just sat there with a cup of coffee and  I knew that I was in a  safe place, she was there. Those moments gave me the first feeling of Home. I've been in Berlin for four years already, the first three years I lived with my best friend and her family made a present for us, we have received from them dishes with a clown design. For eleven years I have worked as a circus artist, so I spend a lot of time in a circus environment, it is like a Home for me. And now, I even live next to the circus tent. The cup has many meanings but I think that everyone connects it directly or indirectly with Home.
I always have these ambers with me. Why do I keep them? I think I believe in the energy it gives me, I can't imagine not having it with me, I feel that since I have it only positive things are happening in my life. And I am very afraid of what could happen if I wouldn’t have it, that the good fortune could simply pass. This necklace was given to me by my mum about one year ago, I have another one, but because this one was a gift from my mum I always have it with me. By the way, she also has her own ambers which she carries with her. She says that amber is for creative people, that it gives and awakens creativity in us, I believe in it very much. Also, and maybe this is a little contrived but, I often have sinus problems, my throat hurts and I think the amber helps to cure respiratory problems. Whether it works or whether it's in my head, I don't know but  I believe in it, I believe in the good properties of amber.
Music has always been a very important part of my life. Moreover, I feel that I have been traveling through the journey of music together with my siblings: they are both musicians, we all started learning piano in the same music school, we've played together many times. So, I wanted to pick an object that symbolizes both things. I have chosen this guitar belt, that is perfect because it was a present from my brother, it has accompanied me through several guitars. So far it has been with me for four years, and I'm sure many more are yet to come. A nice detail is that it has some handwritten inscription: the lyrics from a Pink Floyd's song, called "Time" and a personal message from my brother. Both talk about how we should make the most out of our time because it's limited. Coming from my older brother, I think it is the best advice he could ever give me.
My skateboard means everything to me, it's my life, it's my refuge, my mental sanctuary, my meditation. I need it as a balance to life. There are so many problems in the world, but on my skateboard I am free. My skateboard is everything, I love it. I can do many things with it, have fun, it connects people, different cultures even if you don't speak the same language, but when you skateboard together, you smile at each other, then you don't need a language. Then it's just life. Live and let live.
This is my Organite*, I made it as I wanted it to be more personal choosing crystals that had certain meanings and purposes: Rose Quartz for Love, Clear quartz for spiritual protection connection, Lapis Lazuli for opening the third eye and there is also a healing crystal, I forgot its name. I carry it with me because I believe in elements of Dr Reichs invention to protect and enhance your Chi Energy Life Force. For me, it is a very powerful charm that is functional, spiritual protective.
*Orgonite has become very popular as a spiritual healing tool, and as protection against electromagnetic pollution (EMF). These subtle energy tools interact and transform orgone or life energy. Orgonite is simply a mix (approx. 50/50 ratio) of metal and resin (polyester, urethane or epoxy). It can be poured into all kinds of shapes: pyramids, cones, disks, cylinders and pendants, to name a few.
I chose this object because I used to dive a lot with my family, with my brothers and my father. We used to go a lot to Cape Town, my uncle lives there and he is a diving teacher. I used to go to Africa for three months during the year and one time in Madagascar I found this shell.
There are a lot of whales and sharks but I love the deep sea so much; and yes, we have found this shell together with my brother, my twin brother. And this is our memory from this amazing trip we had together, it was around twelve years ago. I keep it always with me. It is the best, I love it and I love diving a lot. I have been to Africa already more than ten times. Now of course it is not possible to go there just for diving but I still want to see more. Maybe one day I would go there for sure, to stay in Cape Town, to see Willy, my American uncle.
A hundred years ago Gottfried Benn, a lyricist and author in the era of German Expressionism, published his first poetry book “Morgue und andere Gedichte”.
It shocked society and critics. Because of his usage of rough language and strong metaphors, I tried to focus on illustrating a selection of his poems and design a book, which as an object is supporting the strong content of Benn and his words.

The focus on his Berlin-based working and the inner struggle and search for inner peace is shown in the style of the illustrations.
“Gottfried Benn – Schöne Jugend” is the title I have chosen for my Bachelor project based on the same-named poem.
The goal was to gain the interest of people in Expressionism and its various fields of creativity and to show how timeless the poetry of Gottfried Benn is.
I would consider this piece still one of my favourites because this was the final piece of my uni times, and the first time where I took care of the whole project. The selection of the poems, the content, the illustration, the final artwork and the whole production process made this a milestone in my artistic career. It also was the closing of a chapter after my apprenticeship and uni finished but also the door opener for the future.

I still like having this book in my hands and it always reminds me that hard work and accepting ups and downs for a project always pay off. That is the reason why I chose this piece.
Hey Jagoda! I like trains and cars.
My name is Imed. This shell is in my possession for twenty-four years. I got it from my best friend for my birthday. Painfully, my friend passed away two days after he gave it to me. Therefore, this object is particularly important to me.
The shell brings me memories of that time and my friend. It reminds me of home, music, beach and sea and the fun I had. All this... I connect with the shell. For twenty-four years it is unchanged, it still has the same spots and the sand in the cracks. I always keep it at home. It will always be with me.
I got my filter like four or five years ago. During the first Christmas, I had it I took it with me to France! I really care for it, it’s totally a part of my morning routine. I can change coffee beans or cups but I don’t change my filter! I make my coffee while I do Liam’s porridge, then I drink it while Liam eats.
I’ve got a second flat at the moment and when I sleep there I take it with me as well.
As someone who has moved many times in the past ten years, I have often had to limit what to take with me. Unfortunately, I had to part with many items - those of sentimental value.
So I stick to what is small and practical.
The plate has all of these characteristics. A few good years ago, I was travelling in the deep East of Poland. It has quite a folklore, charming atmosphere, wildness, a bit of poverty and amazing hospitality. All this adds up to the charisma and magic of this place.
In such a remote area, off the road, I saw a tiny old burnt house. There was still a smell of rubble. I had to come closer. Despite the danger of it collapsing, I respectfully entered the abandoned place. As if a tragedy had just happened. Everything was in place, but completely burnt. There was a small white plate on the rickety kitchen table. It has survived. Like the eye of the house, it watched my movements. Maybe someone finished eating on it not so long ago...
So I took it home to give it a new life. Along with the plate, I also wanted to take the memory of this story with me. The owner - despite being anonymous, has become a bit close to me. If everything in the universe is one, then surely I have found a spiritual "plate" friend.
I was walking with my friends somewhere in Leipzig and on the way, on the floor, I found this duck. I really liked him, so I picked him up and I was thinking, Wow! it would fit perfectly into my choreography. I even named him, his name is Robert by the way. But before we went on stage we decided not to include him, because the piece had already so much happened in it and... even though it never served the purpose in any piece I did I still keep him and I can not for some reason get rid of him. Actually, it appeared in one performance! And so, I have it for almost four years and it has been following me from apartment to apartment.
This is the silver chain, it has been with me for twelve years. It's a birthday gift from my mum, who has a birthday the same as me. She bought it when it was trending. She chose the one she liked the most and at first, I didn't like it. However, as years passed I started to appreciate it and acknowledge her wise choice: since it's not noticeable at all, I can wear it all the time. It symbolises now many things and it's a reminder of her that I want to keep forever with me.
This pullover was bought in Moskau by my great grandmother Баба Дуся somewhere in the years between 1982-1984. She gave the pullover as a present to my aunt Ирина. They lived in the small rural Siberian settlement Русская Поляна, the place where I was born too.
My parents, my sister and me, we left the beloved family and migrated in 1995 to Germany. Since I am a child I have visited my grandparents regularly. We spend a lot of summers together in our old wooden house and the pullover was always worn either by Ирина, my sister or me. I see us in those red, blue and white colours in the woods, by the lake, in the wide grasslands or in the sunflower fields. Sitting on the backseat of Дедушкас old car or enjoying the evening sun with Бабушка on the bench in front of the green-painted wooden facade. From children to young adults, over all those years. And all over the years, Ирина stayed the weeks of our visits in the old small house, too. Our relationship is as warm and familiar as the warm and fragrant wind of the steppe. Once I took the pullover with me - wanting to keep my Siberian fairy tale close when being back in my german reality. On Christmas eve 2019, I got the information about my aunt suffering from lung cancer. More than 5000km between us and a pandemic going on. I nailed the pullover on my wall for some times to understand, to empower. Just a few weeks ago I started again to wear it, from time to time. But never too long - not wanting to wash it as often. This summer I hope to visit my aunt Ирина and my grandpa. I told her about this project and she is looking forward to seeing the pictures. To see her old pullover again in a new light. For me, it’s a piece of home in a life of not knowing where home is.
Well, I've straight up chosen a film camera for the specific reason of being a photographer. So, that's probably the object that I carry with me the most. When I'm out with a camera, I'm definitely more aware of my surroundings. It forces me to stop and observe all the beauty in the mundane, suddenly your boring and daily routine gets filled with joy and grace. Making you feel more engaged with the world while also altering the way you perceive it. It's like an awakening of the senses when you have the urge to stop and take it all in. I'd argue that having a camera with me gave me a new set of eyes and they present me with a more meaningful and reassuring existence.
Back in the days, I made a few welded steel objects. This one is my first (and at the same time the last) self-created object after I had a stroke, I made it one-handed after a right-sided hemiplegic. It symbolizes the fate of the world in the hand of greater power.
I love the smell of beer in the evening... It smells like victory.
I choose this object because it has been with me for over two decades and it helped me pass through the bad times. And actually, it saved my life. It is like one love. Every time I go back to it and it really means love, I guess.
My son, I see you everywhere here in this faraway country.
I hold with me your sock the one you wore the last time, I smell it and I feel that you're in front of me, I play with your hair and I feel your forehead.
Your sock, my son is an incantation, I carry it with me wherever I go, I dream to see you, hug you and dance barefoot out of happiness when I see you again.
Once I was going through my father’s closet, I saw this Kofa and I asked him about it, he said it always kept him warm in his youth and he kept it later for the memory. I asked if I can have it and he was happy to give it to me. After he passed away It was one of the very few things that I brought with me. It always keeps my heart warm when I look at it. It reminds me of the kind soul man who did everything he could for us so that we can live in a better situation.
My instrument is called a kanun. I started playing on it twelve years ago, in 2009. Before I played the piano, mostly classical music and pop. However, I like ethnic sounds as well, especially oriental, Arabic and Turkish. So as I wanted to play oriental music with the piano some friends in Japan, Arabic music players, recommended that I use this instrument instead. So, for the concerts, I play mostly on the kanun, but in general, I also play other instruments. What is special about it for me is the mandal (it's the metal things to change the tone) system it has, where you can get microtones from it. I bought this kanun in 2019, in Ankara, Turkey.
My kanuns (including old ones as well) always bring me an opportunity to meet various people, mostly Arabic and Turkish. A lot of them are surprised and happy with the fact that a Japanese guy plays their instrument. It is special to me.
This object was a gift from my parents when I was about nine or ten years old, in 2000. They argued in the beginning because my father wanted to give me a more modern CD player but I fell in love with the yellow cassette deck radio, more than with the CD player. So my mother got me one that is definitely more old school but I loved it. I used to listen to tons of tons of audiobooks from "Three Detectives'' that were solving crimes for Alfred Hitchcock and... I still listen to them, although I am thirty one now. I never stopped embracing this old school cassette deck that also has a radio with a very shitty quality of sound but I still use it in the kitchen to listen to music and news from all over the world... With this tiny almost broken thing (antenna). On the radio, there used to be a lot of little stars, stickers that were reflecting light and at night, when I was listening to the Detective’s stories - the stars were shining. Definitely, it represents something from my childhood that I still carry in my adult life.
My mother bought me this hair ribbon when I started making dreadlocks, almost nineteen years ago. Until this day I keep it with me wherever I go. I remember the day when she bought it for me.  It is as if my mom is always around, because now we live in a different country, for the first time. It has a sentimental value, brings back many memories of that time when I was about fifteen years old.

I have chosen as my object the caramels of violetas* because they remind me of when I was a child and my mama had it always on the table in the porcelain, I mean I think it was porcelain or some ceramic box. And this porcelain box was covered and you were opening it and there were those flowers inside. Actually, I didn’t know which object to choose until I went to buy a bottle of wine. Cava is champagne, the Catalan version of it. Going to the point, so I went to buy this thing and they were there! I thought, oh my god, I saw it, I took it and I said from the deep heart "I feel like home!". And yes, this is my object, you try it as well, is tasty, no?
*Violets (Viola) are a genus of spring-flowering plants in the family Violaceae.

Project created in duo as Mots and thanks to the Stiftung Berliner Leben and Fresh A.I.R. scholarship. More about the "Objectum" you can find on our website www.mots.pt
Objectum 2021


Objectum 2021

"Objectum" Berlin, 2021 Urban art - photography project by Mots. Through “Objectum” we wanted to highlight that we are all equal. Our associatio Read More
