My objective was to create a series of icons that, when combined with text, could be utilized in a kitchen supply store to efficiently guide customers around.
After choosing my three tools, an ice cream scoop, meat thermometer, and cake cutter, I began exploring their forms with high contrast, black and white photographs. 
From there, I created a series of sketches in varying detail in order to visualize the most important element of each object.
These early sketches were then moved into Adobe Illustrator and digitized. I continued to modify and refine the structure of the rasterized images until they were ready for color.
Early lock up iterations with labels
Final lock ups
By choosing  a predominantly  analogous color palette with a contrasting red, viewers would have an easier time processing the shapes and information on the signage. Finally, I chose Futura PT Demi for my typeface, due to how well the clean and simple curves paired with my final images.



Creative Fields