For this project, I explored reduction techniques to create simplified vector icons for a hardware store’s wayfinding system. I began by selecting a wrench, pliers and a carabiner. Using white paper, a desk lamp and my iPhone, I photographed the objects at different angles under a variety of lighting scenarios to fully flush out the form and characteristics of each object.
 I used these photos as a reference point to create highly-detailed graphite sketches of the objects, paying close attention to light values and the objects’ essential forms.
I then redrew the objects using several simple reduction techniques including a gridded square reduction, a gridded reduction with curves and diagonal edges and a simple silhouetted tracing. This helped me to fully realize the simple, reduced structure of each object so I could confidently create digital reductions that adequately reflect the items in a universally understood way.
I chose the simple silhouette technique to create digital vector versions of each object, which I refined with peer feedback to create wayfinding icons for signage at a hardware store. With these finalized icons I created lockup compositions to direct shoppers to their needs, all using a color palette that distinguishes each department clearly while remaining visually cohesive.

