Golbarg Eslami's profile

ShopMap Mobile Application


What Is it?
It is a store navigation mobile application capable of providing users with real-time location and availability of products to make shopping trips easier, quicker and more efficient than ever.

How does it work?
The system enables users to more efficiently check the availability and location of desired products and allows them to strategically plan their shopping trip prior to going to the store in-person.
ShopMap instantly locates products to minimize exposure by eliminating the need for users to contact employees for assistance and further mitigates the frustration of not being able to find a product. Moreover, the in-store capacity will be better managed adhering to the constantly fluctuating safety measures due to faster traffic and higher customer satisfaction.

The Project?
My team and I conducted research, journey mapping and persona creation to understand users.
Additionally, we designed mockups in Figma for verification and validation of the interface and performed moderated usability testing utilizing flow diagrams, task scenarios and surveys.

ShopMap Mobile Application


ShopMap Mobile Application
